Scrapers are the ideal way for your cat to keep their nails healthy and strong and in passing up from scratching other objects from your home. </ P>
They also help your cat stay active during the time that passes only at home and that free the possible stress you may have. </ P>
This scraper has several floors, you know that he loves heights, help him to have the best views of the house. </ P>
It has shelters where your cat will feel protected and calm when you look for moments of peace to rest. </ P>
</ p>
Features </ Strong> </ p>
</ p>
- with plush liner (polyester) </ li>
- poles lined with jute </ li>
- Padded platform </ li>
- Cave lined with plush / plush (polyester) Soft </ li>
- with rope toy </ li> </ ul>